
Tuesday, 15 August 2017

A Hilarious Look at Retro Materials in the Speech Room

A speech therapist friend of mine recently retired; when she was organising her materials and sorting what she wanted to take with her and what she would leave, she very kindly gifted me a big ol' box of speech therapy materials!  I was overjoyed! She was so experienced and had gathered so many amazing materials that I couldn't wait to see what she was donating to me! I was so excited to see all the new games and resources that I could use in my speech therapy sessions! That was, however, until I saw what was actually inside the box! My friend has always had a good sense of humour and needless to say, the resources were anything but new!  We laughed so much that I wanted share some of these fabulous, retro therapy materials with you today!

I'm sure we all use verb pictures and everyday object cards, right?  Check out these wonderful ones circa 1970something!
 I mean- that car?!

Working on everyday objects? How many of your youngsters would recognise that helicopter or that vacuum

Working on social skills? Let's pretend to make a call to our friends on this rotary dial telephone!

 Working on some early vocabulary skills? Your preschoolers will definitely recognise the sweet treats and vehicles here!

OK, How about we play a game from the 1960s while we practise our sounds?
(Disclaimer: I played 'Coppit' as a child and it is actually awesome, but I'm not sure many of my 5 and 6 year olds would agree!!)

It's time to do some assessments... Name the 4 target words in this vocabulary test!

Let's work on some sentence formulation and talk about what we can see happening in this picture...
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to talk about half of the things happening here! 

These resources really made me chuckle and it made me think about how many of us have other weird and wonderful retro resources stashed away in our speech therapy rooms! I'd love to see what you find while you organise your speech rooms this year!  Share your pictures on Instagram, tag me @thesltscrapbook and use the hashtag #retrospeech, and I'll laugh along with you and share your pics too! 

If you've liked this post, why not pin this image so you can share it with your SLP friends!

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